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  • What is DIVE INTO?


    DIVE INTO is one of WEC's dynamic short-term mission programs designed for the young generation, ages 18 to 35. It offers mission opportunities lasting from 2 to 12 weeks. During this time, Divers from different countries unite as an international team to share their diverse cultures and make a meaningful impact on Kingdom work. Beyond participating in local ministries, DIVE INTO provides invaluable mentoring and fellowship experiences with long-term workers, helping Divers deepen their faith and seek God's call for long-term missions.

    Ready to make an impact?

    Let’s DIVE INTO now!


    • A WEC short-term mission program

    • Ages 18-35

    • 2-12 weeks

    • Serve as an international team in a multicultural setting

    • Receive mentoring and fellowship with experienced long-term workers

    DIVE INTO 2025

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    DIVE INTO 2024

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  • Quotes from Divers

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    "Through the programme, God confirmed to me that I am to come to Japan long-term as a missionary, despite what I may have to sacrifice. I am currently about to start my second year of three in Bible College and the trip has helped me to consider if arts/music ministry may be where God is leading me."

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    "It’s definitely given me a greater awareness of the spiritual state of Japan and how truly the labourers are faithful yet few. I will continue to pray and seek God’s guidance regarding how I can continue to be part of missions."

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    "Walking Camino has been an unexpectedly profound experience for me. It's this unique gathering of people who have left their ordinary lives behind, most often to seek some kind of clarity about life. I was really impacted by the long, slow days of walking, and by some honest conversations with fellow pilgrims who shared openly about their stories, some very sad, often wrestling with gnarly questions about life, suffering, meaning; it was a joy to share about Jesus in my story, and the hope and love he brings."

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    "Before, I didn’t consider myself a person called for the mission; I just wanted to have a meaningful trial to strengthen my faith.

    Now I see that everybody is called, and it’s important to listen to and obey God. I am definitely open and excited about what God has prepared and where he will lead me in the future."

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    "On the Camino I learned to share my story. It’s amazing to see how fast I could have deep conversations with strangers."

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    Hyun Young

    "It was the place where God called me for a long-term mission and made me more excited about reaching the unreached."

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    "We’ve stopped at hostels that were full of other pilgrims that we could really open up to and have good deep conversations with"

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    "I just learnt how to better share the gospel and connect with people and to be more comfortable sharing my testimony"

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    "God poured the Father’s heart for the lost (into my heart) and also got me to think ‘what can I do for the Lord?’"